Thursday, May 27, 2010


Okay, so Facebook is basically dominating our society as of now. I have a Facebook, and almost every one of my friends have one, my whole family has one, some of my teachers have one, even my grandmother has one. Okay yeah, I love my Facebook. It's revolutionary. You can let your friends know you wan to hang, be reminded of your friends birthday(which otherwise you would have totally forgotten because you suck at dates), or comment on someones prom pictures how amazing they look. You can use it for your career, your education, your social life, your family life, your journal, and then there are the uses that make Facebook life a tad bit more complex. You get notified when someone breaks up, and then people comment. Its fine but I kinda wonder why that has to be sooooooo public. There are a lot of people who use Facebook for devices in their personal issues. I have two problems with this, first being that it's a little apathetic, and second being that since FB IS so public it can wind up being desperate, or cruel. I've seen multiple people post big long notes about people on these social networking sites, and while I understand where their coming from, it's a little immature. so basically, yes facebook is wonderful, but please PLEASE keep your personal issues off.

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